Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well, I got some of it done- cleaning that is. I did 1/2 of the house. That's a lot, when you consider I mopped, scrubbed, vacuumed, dusted, and washed several loads of laundry. Still have more to go, but have to get outside and string trim today, in addition to mow some more of the property. The lower 1/3 is still too wet to mow, but the rest will be good.

Danny and Lucy have been playing this morning, interspersed with ball throwing for master Danny. He would rather play with me than Lucy, but, hey, fun's fun, right?

Not sure what I will do today besides chores, that sort of thing. Glad that things will be relatively normal next week, and I can focus on the usual routine.

One sad note. It is getting to the time to make a decision about my old boy Tucker. His swollen gland is huge, like a melon. He eats very well, and seems happy, most of the time, but then, there are times where he just seems sad. He is getting weaker in the hind end as well. I don't know if I should let him continue to deteriorate, or not. I don't know. I think it may be hard, the end time for him, because there is nothing OBVIOUSLY that says "put him down". The whole euthanizing him will be so unbearable in and of itself. I just don't know what to do.

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