Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nothing interesting

Well, the weekend has been pretty relaxing, and I cannot ask for more than that! Saturday found me heading out to the grocery store, and Barnes and Noble for a couple new books (though one is going back, because I read it already). I came home and played with the dogs, and just sort of chilled. It was nice. I was pretty tired.

Danny and I play fetch for short periods each day. He loves this. I have to be careful, as he is zeroed in on that ball, and I don't want him hurting himself... The lad seems to be growing- his head anyway...

I have been having him loose in the house more, and it seems cool. He leaves Lucy alone, and focuses more on me, and/or Mr Chips- but not to the point of obsession. Dan seems to be very people oriented- more so than the Kelpies I have.

I can also use the word "aaah-aaah" when he is doing something he shouldn't, and it works! He seems biddable in that regard.

We have been working on downs, and also he waits in his crate when I open the door, until I release him. He has that down. This is all working toward impulse control- something the big hats all say is important to have.

Mr. Chips has been exceedingly loving/cute lately. More often than not, he comes up when I am sitting, or lying down, to cuddle. I gently stroke him on his "moustache area"- he loves it- try it with your kitty. Also, every morning now, he has to go out with the dogs, and then, after they are back in, I call him and he comes running.
He sure is a dog kitty :)

Today I made some good pancakes for breaky, and then the rest of the day, who knows what. I will be heading to my parent's for dinner this evening. May bring the dogs for a nice walk when I go up there.

Well, that's it for now, see? Nothing interesting.

1 comment:

Darci said...

sounds like my day, just kinda lazy. Was gonna go horse back riding, then fishing later, but the wind is up and it goning to rain, so still sitting round in my jammies plunking on the computer. I needed a day to just relax and play catch up anyway, so no complaining here!