Thursday, June 18, 2009

Time to build an ark

It was pouring this morning, I mean POURING. Dogs hated going out. Danny did his usual runs around the back yard, but got awful wet and dirty, as I noted when I stepped out of the bathroom, back into the bedroom and noticed the smear of dirt all over my bed. Great. Lucy, I thought you didn't want Danny up there? Can't even count on my dogs...

I keep visualizing Gibbs from NCIS working on his boat in the basement. Thinking I should pay close attention to the joists, and that sort of thing. I don't remember this much both duration and volume of water falling. It's not a good thing for those who have to hay. You can't hay unless you get a good week of dry. We haven't had that since I can remember...

Yesterday when I got home Lucy was in FINE FORM. She was so happy. She ran into my bedroom as I went in there, hopped up on the bed, and did a play bow. She was absolutely googly!

Then, I brought she and Danny outside for some ball and Frisbee. Lucy fetched a few Frisbees, and then did her little game of put it on the ground, open mouth wide, and pick it up with lots of grass on the other side. It's SOOO fun.

Danny fetched well as usual, but he has added a new trick. I HAVE to get video...
When he holds the ball, he holds it between his two left canines, so he is free to pant. When he is just sitting with it, and waiting for the next excitement, he uses his tongue to turn it on it's axis. So, the ball spins between both teeth. Sometimes his tongue lolls in really weird ways. It is very cool. Danny, yur neat.

Later, Lucy got a wild hair and invited Danny to chase her, and he obliged. They ran and ran. Lucy is still faster than he, but he kept up best he could. Then, they wrestled on the ground. This went on for a long time. At certain points, Lucy jumped into the stock tank, and Danny got a couple laps in before they started again. It was really nice to see them play. Danny got tired enough a few times, that he came over to me. I think it's a mix of tiredness, and also, wondering when Lucy may lose it.. Poor guy, she certainly can be a bitch.

Danny is growing slowly, but I do think he will be one of the smallest Border Collie males I have ever seen. His hair makes him look bigger, but...

So, anyone have any plans for arks?

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