Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well, duh

Yesterday I stopped by TS, got a 40 gallon stock tank, some Hoof and Heal, and some foot trimmers. I got to the farm and set my helper to work moving more of the cut up wood. I also started to lop some of the sapling trees, and whip the brambles, which should be called Gremlins, because they have multiplied exponentially. It's a real mess. There are places to eat, but I *need* to get the area brush hogged, or I just can't work dogs in it.

So, I stopped up at my parents for a break and a Pepsi, and came back to the farm, at which point I asked my helper to help me with the sheep. I just wanted him to hold her the right way, while I looked at her foot.

I got her down, and he held her. I took one look at her foot, and instantly saw the problem- an old bent nail in her toe. OW!! I pulled it out and dumped a lot of the hoof and heal in there, even though it wouldn't do much for it. I called my sheep guru, and she suggested some Penicillin. I stopped by my friend's house (her husband is a large animal vet) to see if I could get a shot from them, but no one was home.

So, I headed BACK to TS (with the 100 gallon tank), and got the Penicillin/syringes/needles).

When I got back to the farm, I *thought* I could get them to me with grain, but sore foot lady, saw me coming and headed (literally) for the hills. She's had it with being flipped. So, I had to get Lucy. It took a couple of look backs, and it was 100% trust on her part, because they were deep in back hiding in the brambles. But, she brought them, and even did a cool move, slowing down behind them on the fence, and then hugging it to head them to me.

When I got sore foot lady, I flipped her, and dug through the wool to find a good spot, and gave her her shot. When she got up she stood evenly on both feet, but I know she is still sore. So, that's the story.

I still have to get wire on the gate- maybe today, if I can, but I will be at work late, and I didn't sleep last night worrying about the sheep, so I am VERY tired.

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