Sunday, January 11, 2009

Smash Mouth

NO, silly, not the group- though I have never heard their music... I did this to me. I was putting water softener crystals into my water softener... I had sliced the bag open, and was lifting it up. It ripped further. The bag weighs 50 lbs. So, my hand that was lifting the bag had lots of potential energy, if you will. SMASH! Gave myself a fat lip. Hurt like Hades.

I was a complete bum today- well, maybe not 100%- I did clean and shovel snow. But, I did watch a lot of Lifetime. Good movies, but really bad on one's motivation. We have two more days of not so cold weather, and then we go into the ice box- single digits for the high. So far the only thing getting a lot of exercise lately, is my furnace.

Been watching youtube lately. I peruse them looking for working videos (sheepdog). I love to watch other dogs work, it's fun, and makes want to get out there even more.
I know, spring will be here soon enough- no, not SOON ENOUGH!

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