Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A good day, followed by not so good

Yesterday I was a whirlwind domestic. I got my house cleaned- well, most of it anyway. I did lots of vacuuming (which I should have done on the weekend, but couldn't bring myself to). I spent lots of time going slow. Everything looks great. With the dogs on the better food, lots less hair is being shed, so that's really great. I also went through my filing cabinet and identified what I can shred, and re-organized everything. Now, each dog has their own file. Much neater that way. I was going to throw away Cori's file, but I just couldn't. I don't want to forget her in any way.

When I got home yesterday, I noticed Ginger trotting toward me on the bed, but no Mr. Chips. I figured he must have sneaked out yesterday morning, and that meant he had been out all day. This worried me greatly, because my property is currently under siege by another cat (I believe a Tom), who is spraying my car- apparently, he wants to claim my property. Mr Chips would NOT do well in a fight. I got more and more concerned as I called for him. I finally went inside, and who is there? The lad in the the flesh. Kylie gave him a bit of a grunt/grab for scaring me (she was looking for him too). PHEW. Crisis averted.

So, this morning, I get up, happy with my clean house, grumbling about the snow that is falling YET AGAIN. After morning chores, I take a look at my one fan tail fish. She (I don't know if it is a boy or girl, but I say "she", because she is pretty), is and has been upside down. Her swim bladder is just not right. She used to flip upside down, and then right herself for a few days, and then back upside down. But, recently she is always upside down and at the surface. She can't even get to food. Yesterday morning she was floating near the filter. I knew what should be done, but I had hoped she would go on her own. So, this morning, as I fed the fish, I made the decision to release her from her upside down bobbing prison of a body. I took her out, and put her in a bag, and placed her in the freezer. You know, I actually shed (and am now too) a tear. I had her for about 5 years now. I know that it was the right thing, but still, I hate to lose any of my animals, no matter what they are.

So, that's my "not so good". Bye girl- you were very pretty. I am sorry.


Laura Carson said...

I'm really sorry about your fish. :( I had to do something similar once, and hated it. I cried and cried, although my situation was a tad more sordid (he was dying, and I only had another few hours left on his warranty, lol). Glad there was some light to the day though!

Dancing shepherdess said...

Thanks Laura.

Handhills Border Collies said...

soooo sad I am sorry for your fish......... I hate this dying thing its wrong!
Can you help me as I am new to this blogging thing and cant figure out how to answer the people that comment (like you) on are news page??? afraid I appear rude as I leave them unanswered but cant seem to locate any email address or a return thanks vickie

Dancing shepherdess said...

HI Vickie
Go to the comment section on your blog- yours is a bit different than mine, but the easiest way would be to select google id, and then plug in your email and password for your blog, and then of course the stupid verification word. Basically, you are just another commenter, but it's your blog :)