Wednesday, January 21, 2009

COLD still

This morning the thermometer read -1 degree F. No, not wind chill, just straight up temps. What is it with this January. Getting into the 20s would be nice. The dogs all were very fast to come back in this morning. I think they are the best thermometers- their speed in doing their constitutionals is directly relevant to the temps...

I think Friday it is supposed to get into the 30s. Then, for the weekend we drop right back down again. I can't stand this. It's just too cold to work dogs, and there is too much snow, even if we could. We still have all of February to go.

I can just imagine how much hay folks are going through this winter. Not a cheap winter to feed livestock- you even have to grain at these temps. I hope not too many folks had early lambs. That would be bad this year.

It's really a lost winter for working dogs here. I believe the early spring trials may have a few dogs who are, shall we say, a bit "high"?


Darci said...

We got 7 inches of snow yesterday. The dogs loved it! Me....I wished I had their fur coat. Temps suppose to be back up in the 50's and 60's by the weekend. What a mess that will be :(
Lambs?? Expecting them anytime now, and was grateful they didnt decide to drop any over this last week, I hope they wait till the weekend, it would be soooo much more convienient for me! LOL

Dancing shepherdess said...

Up here, it would be a definite heat lamp, hay bale and check often situation- so cold. I hate heat lamps- friend lost a barn and all her animals from a fire caused by one of these. I think when I lamb, I will shoot for March...