Friday, December 5, 2008

Gitalong chicklet, or you will meet my pearly whites

So, Lucy, my wee lass has finally grown into her skirt. Yeah, she is one tough little cracker when needed. It is just amazing. This last time we worked, we had one of the CW sisters, who on the first seconds of working, thought she would stop and not leave her friends on the other side of the gate. Lucy got her moving and then we drove and we drove over the hill and dale. It was nice. Then we stopped for a bit, and helped some other eager beavers by setting out, well, almost, but not quite- I didn't want to raise my voice on the lie down, so we held, until I called her when the dog came close. Lucy LOVES this game of ping pong fetching. I think it reminds her of long ago days when she was just a wee pup.

After helping out, we took another short break. Then we did some corner pulls and pulls off draws. Lucy is getting very solid on sheep that turn on her, she is getting to the point where she doesn't hesitate a step, and doesn't rush in, she just wills the thing to move off, and if not, she will grip- and let go, and stay behind, while allowing the sheep room to move (many dogs will not let up on that pressure- that's when you get that all too familiar back up across the field by the sheep business).

Okay, then to wind things down we drove and I had her driving further than ever before. Lucy did pretty well at first, just driving straight along, but flanks- she was, well, shall we say, turning them all into a fetch. Too hard for her for now. But, we will get there. When I whistle for a down on a flank, and then direct her and then ask her to walk up, MAN has she got that. How? I don't even know.

Lucy did lots of work, but never seemed to tire, even after many outruns, and lots of driving. When she runs on her outrun, her stride really covers ground. They sure did make these Kelpies athletic.

Wow, this is a bit of a braggard post. Well, if the shoe fits?


Darci said...

Theres nothing wrong with being proud of you and your dogs achievments! Its a great feeling when all the little parts start to come together. Have fun!

BCxFour said...

I adore kelpies! They are wonderful dogs! My herding instructor has a kelpi and I keep teasing her that she is going to disappear one of these days - I might branch out into dog napping!

Dancing shepherdess said...

Thanks guys. She's cool. I am really enjoying her. She's not perfect all the time, but dangit, she listens so well- who would have thought I would say that!