Friday, September 21, 2012

Lambs and Crayon

I gathered up the sheep as usual yesterday, and set to treating the lambs.   I got Corid from Agway (liquid form).  First, I wormed everyone, and I included even the good looking ewe lamb, as she could be pinker.  Then, the Corid.  It definitely does not smell sweet... They were not really into this, but we got it down, and I did it slowly, so no one would miss a full dose.  Have to repeat for another four days.  I had marked the lambs twice now with wormer, and had to again with the Corid.  So, they are looking decidedly war paintish.  Have to figure out where to mark them today.  Maybe a leg for each day? ;)  Hopefully this will do the trick.  I did some reading of the Merck Manual and it discusses Coccidia causing diarrhea, but not barber pole worm, so that is a good differential for me.  It also discussed how worms are generally more of a problem in late summer early fall, and for me, that seems right on.  This will change my management a bit, so that all lambs depending on color, will be wormed twice in the fall.  As I said earlier, I am going to be checking their color more often.  Lambs are just not very strong- even with a lot of grass.  The Merck Manual also suggested keeping lambs separate from adults, as adults are reservoirs for parasites, so maybe if I have a big enough lamb crop next year, I will just keep them separate for the summer.  Who knows.

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