Wednesday, September 19, 2012

All day rain yesterday.  Lots of leaves everywhere, which is good because I can mulch them up when I mow :)  I hate raking.  Boy kitty wanted out yesterday, that is, until he stepped one foot out there, and then he backed up rather quickly.

Today is supposed to be decent out, so back to normal programming I guess.  So nice not having to drive to work Joe.  Especially since I couldn't afford it anyway, with the gas prices the way they are.  There are so many just like me with decent jobs, but earning less and less each year.  Am I better off than I was four years ago?  Hell no.  I am worse off.  Something has to change or we will be a nation on welfare.  I am not saying that Romney will fix things, but Obama has to start DOING something instead of letting the boat drift, and saying it will get better.  Sure.   Perhaps a second job- I am actually entertaining that idea.  I have done second jobs a lot in my life.  At least I have that option.  We shall see.

Got some house cleaning done yesterday, and went to the Dr for my knees.  Apparently, it's patello-femoral syndrome- where your kneecap does not move in the right track when you extend your knees.  There is not much that can be done, save for some exercises to strengthen your quads, etc.  He said hill walking is bad, and that's what I walk every day.  I get so sick of getting a new exercise program in place and having to stop because I hurt.  Give me a break.  So, I don't know what I will do... I have to walk the dogs, and walking on a track is no real fun for the dogs, or for me.  He suggested biking too- that may be an option- especially where the farm is, because it's quiet around there.  Hmmmm.

Today I may head up to Barnes and Noble to see about another book to read.  Am almost finished with "An Irish Country Medical Student' by Patrick Taylor.  If you haven't read this series, do yourself a favor and pick one of the series up- you will not be disappointed.

Well, better get to, lots I want to get done today.

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