Sunday, September 12, 2010

Danny bored boy

So, day off today, and what am I doing? Well, besides having some coffee, and multi grain toast, cleaning. Lots of cleaning. Finally, I am caught up on other things enough to address the house. Plans are to do the whole house (I have a small house), and then, maybe find something healthy for dinner. I have decided I need to lose some weight (bought some new clothes yesterday) and need to lower my cholesterol. I think I can make serious head way if I just remove fried food and candy- I eat some of each every week. I am on a B12 supplement every day, along with drinking more water, and that has helped a bit in terms of feeling less hungry.

But, once you are well past 40, your body changes, I have seen, a LOT. It's not generally for the better. So, I have to really make a concerted effort to routinely eat healthier. Of course I will still partake of junk once in a great while, but no more regular intake.

I played with Danny and Lucy this morning, and they enjoyed it, but Danny is rather bored now. He just collapsed into his crate, depressed, I am sure that we are not doing anything. It feels good to just be home today. The Parakeets are busy now. They have several babies, and it takes work by momma to keep them fed. So far, I haven't seen dad feeding them, but that should come soon. She just won't be able to keep up.

For some reason, my neck is tight/sore today. Don't know why, but I can't really look to the right. I hope I didn't tweak it when I was pounding the fence posts in (or attempting to).

That's it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Know what you mean about things changing after 40. Turned 48 in July. Blechhh!