Friday, October 30, 2009


Wow, I didn't think it would happen, but it surely did. I slept. Like a rock. I so needed that. I guess you hit a place where there is just no choice, and no night terrors either, but, I did have a dream about Derek Scrimgeour clinic. Wow. My brain is humming right along...

I worked Lucy again the other day. It is so good working her. She did some very good things, and other people got to see them! That NEVER happens. I sent her to fetch a few sheep up, off a fence, where they were hanging with another flock. I sent her, she came up right along the fence, slowed to a creep, tail got stiff, she slowly moved in, sheep came off fence, she stayed nice and calm, and listened when I asked for a down. It doesn't seem to big, but it was, trust me. She has matured so nicely. I also see, now that I am working her more, a better flow to her. We then worked on penning, and it was great to see her keep OUT on ALL flanks, and when I had them at the neck, to just stop, lay down and wait, instead of pushing. We also worked a bit on more downs at the top, which I have decided will be the way we work it no matter what now. She needs that whistle to put me in her head, and allow the sheep to move off calmly. Wish I had done this when she was younger, but she is a good natural gatherer, so I let it be, and that ended up meaning that she got pushy, because she loves to push.

When we were done working, I sat and had a sandwich, and Lucy lay under my chair and took a snooze. She knew she had done well, and is just happy with the world. Is there anything better than asking your dog to do something they have not been doing long, and they exceed your expectations, and then, say, when you are working on the drive, you call them back after they took all your commands, and they turn and come back with a big happy grin on their face, tail wagging- they knew they did well, and into your arms they go, and you give them a big pat, and tell them how good they are?
I don't think so. I believe THAT is why I am hooked on this. The partnership.

So, we are into the weekend now. Halloween is tomorrow. No plans. Hope the weather stays dry so I can mow the leaves into teeny tiny bits, and clean out the gutters one last time.

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