Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another thing done, and Scott Glen lesson

After work on Tues, I met with Chris, the chainsaw guy and he fell somewhere in the 20 tree range. There are myriad dead Pine trees, and they all need to go. Then, we will have a massive bonfire. I was ILL yesterday. I was sneezing and just felt terrible. I thought it was a cold. No, I think it was just an overdose of cedar/pine tree pollen. It will be SO WONDERFUL to get the sheep pasture cleared of all these non-essential trees. Will be able to do some good work with the dogs in there, and they won't be able to escape! Chris should be coming back Friday after work to cut more. There's at least 6 more hours of cutting to do, and he can only do 2 hours at a time, because his chainsaw is so heavy, and it's HARD work. So, yes, another thing done.

Today I had a lesson with Scott Glen. Wow. He cleared so much up for me as to why Lucy was doing things, and why I needed to do things, etc. The help with the driving was nothing short of miraculous.

Danny worked with Scott just a short time, but he got hot VERY fast, so a couple times he went and layed under a tree. It was 90, so I can't blame him. He was good, although too fast and tight on his left, and he told me what to do to fix that.

I also watched some other lessons and really, he stands out as a clinician, because he takes each dog as an individual, and really makes a difference. It was just so great.

When I returned home, I mowed the lawn so I won't have to worry about it this weekend.

It's been a great day :)

1 comment:

Monique said...

Agreed. Scott is the master!