The last few days have been busy- working, enjoying Thanksgiving, working and also squeezing in some sheep dog work. To say I am tired, well, not EXHAUSTED, but a bit weary, but the good thing is, I have dived into a new book, which I quite like, so am getting good rest at night.
I have done 80% of my Christmas shopping. Should finish up this week :))
I got a new friend for BJ the Parakeet. She's an older girl, not old, but mature, and as of today, they are sharing a perch. She's blue too. I think BJ is happy.
Lucy worked on helping others, and outruns and she did some good sheds. It's fun doing that with her.
Danny is finally getting how to start off right on his flanks, and is giving ground when I ask, with nary a problem. It's amazing, how much he has matured. We are still in the round pen and will remain so, until such a time as he is consistent on not slicing or zipping. It's going away, but still not quite gone. Considering that he started out by diving directly into the sheep, he's come a long way. He's also nice to call off- no problems. He loves his lovin' after he works too. He is definitely a boy who LOVES to WORK for ME. It's very cool.
Lucy's mom in Australia had a litter of pups- ELEVEN!!!! Stay tuned on which pup is coming to the USA to KICK BUTT on the trial field :) If you know anyone who may be interested, please contact me. It's cheaper with two in a crate, for shipping :)
Okay, here's the miracle. Two + months ago, a husband/wife at work (they both work at my institution) told me that their cat went missing. They believed perhaps a Coyote got it. They had just moved into the new house a couple months before.
I kept a watch on Craigslist, and they also posted ads on Craigslist. So many pets are found through this listing service, it's amazing.
A few weekends ago, I saw an ad in the local paper- someone had found a Tabby cat, and they left their phone #. I don't normally LOOK at the classified ads in the paper, but I did that day. I forwarded the contact information to the folks at work.
Well, today, I got an email, that the folks who lost their cat finally got in touch with this person who had a found Tabby cat. IT WAS THEIR CAT!!!!!!!!!! He is now home. The big thing is, he had to go several towns over, to reach this woman's house. Miles and miles, across busy traffic.
I can't tell you how this warms my heart. Their sons were so upset, and missing their kitty.
A diary of my life, trying to get by, with little money, hard work and perseverance
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Good Dogs
Today, I took some time to go and work the dogs. I have to work the rest of the week, including tomorrow and Sat, so I decided I best get to it.
I have been working Lucy on driving and shedding. Also, tuning up her chintzy outruns. It's funny how they can slide some times ;) Well, Lucy "gets" shedding. So far it's been easy for us, I say "easy" because for some reason I am just really calm doing it, and that must make Lucy calm... Once we get the single shed off, we work her away. Well, the ewe today first decided to play ring around the rosy around some trees, and then we got her off. Well, then she ran hard up then down the hill. Then she cut left, and a few times just tried to run FASTER than Lucy and almost OVER her. Lucy was in her element. Lucy was on her toes, because that ewe never gave it up. It was just very good work.
I also worked Danny, and today was a bit of an epiphany for us both. I finally decided I had to get him OFF the sheep, and notice that I exist. Danny yielded when I finally got through to him, and then I have him some flanks. BOY is that a break through. He is going to be a good one, I think. He is NOT afraid at ALL of sheep, and he has good work in him. He's also such a lovely tempered boy.
They were both so good today, it was very rewarding to work them. Now, it's time to build an appetite for food tomorrow...
I have been working Lucy on driving and shedding. Also, tuning up her chintzy outruns. It's funny how they can slide some times ;) Well, Lucy "gets" shedding. So far it's been easy for us, I say "easy" because for some reason I am just really calm doing it, and that must make Lucy calm... Once we get the single shed off, we work her away. Well, the ewe today first decided to play ring around the rosy around some trees, and then we got her off. Well, then she ran hard up then down the hill. Then she cut left, and a few times just tried to run FASTER than Lucy and almost OVER her. Lucy was in her element. Lucy was on her toes, because that ewe never gave it up. It was just very good work.
I also worked Danny, and today was a bit of an epiphany for us both. I finally decided I had to get him OFF the sheep, and notice that I exist. Danny yielded when I finally got through to him, and then I have him some flanks. BOY is that a break through. He is going to be a good one, I think. He is NOT afraid at ALL of sheep, and he has good work in him. He's also such a lovely tempered boy.
They were both so good today, it was very rewarding to work them. Now, it's time to build an appetite for food tomorrow...
lucy learning to
We are just starting to be able to shed... That ewe gave Lucy a run (literally) for her money, but Lucy covered her like white on rice.... I don't normally look that chunky, but I had 4 layers on.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Lucy has always been a looker- well, yes, of course she is good looking, but I mean, she likes to spy hop like a whale, looking for sheep in a field. I noticed this year that as we drive along she will look in fields for sheep. She ignores developments, or cities, but fields? Yes. So, when we were heading out to work sheep recently, we drove by a field that had some woolies. Lucy noted them. Got excited- now to be clear, we were on a major divided highway, on the other side of the median and going FAST. Not sure how she saw them...
On the way home, I had forgotten about them, but Lucy did not. I was driving along, when all of a sudden, Lucy turned her body perpendicular to me, and stared out the window, and had her eyes peeled on that field where the sheep were. They weren't there, but she sure was looking for them. How she remembered that THIS field had the sheep, I've no idea...
Yep, she's a looker.
On the way home, I had forgotten about them, but Lucy did not. I was driving along, when all of a sudden, Lucy turned her body perpendicular to me, and stared out the window, and had her eyes peeled on that field where the sheep were. They weren't there, but she sure was looking for them. How she remembered that THIS field had the sheep, I've no idea...
Yep, she's a looker.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Food = Energy
So, the weekend is here :) Good. We all need that, I bet. Was having a real energy sink day- sink meaning my energy was being sucked away, and I barely could function- until I ate, that is... I have the most major energy swings. I am NOT energy efficient!
Danny learned how to lift his leg while he was gone- impressed? I am - LOL! I sort of wish he wouldn't because it's much cleaner... Oh well.
Last night Danny kept shifting in his crate- it has no bedding because he would eat it. Well, last night I relented, and got a big old couch slip cover, and put it in there. He LOVED it. He didn't move one muscle.
For some reason, I awoke at 4:30 this morning. That is MAJORLY annoying. So, finally, the dogs decide to get me up at 10 of 5. That stunk. Well, then I got back in bed for a bit, and then, when I went to exercise the dogs, it was pouring. So, Danny got a bit of ball play in the house- a real gyp for him. But, even HE didn't want to be out in that rain...
I am going to go Christmas shopping today. Yep, I swear I am. After work, that's my plan. Get it done, so I don't have it hanging over my head.
Well, that's it for now- oh, I have some video of a rescue BC that needs a home, and Danny, my boy, I will put up the links soon :)
Danny learned how to lift his leg while he was gone- impressed? I am - LOL! I sort of wish he wouldn't because it's much cleaner... Oh well.
Last night Danny kept shifting in his crate- it has no bedding because he would eat it. Well, last night I relented, and got a big old couch slip cover, and put it in there. He LOVED it. He didn't move one muscle.
For some reason, I awoke at 4:30 this morning. That is MAJORLY annoying. So, finally, the dogs decide to get me up at 10 of 5. That stunk. Well, then I got back in bed for a bit, and then, when I went to exercise the dogs, it was pouring. So, Danny got a bit of ball play in the house- a real gyp for him. But, even HE didn't want to be out in that rain...
I am going to go Christmas shopping today. Yep, I swear I am. After work, that's my plan. Get it done, so I don't have it hanging over my head.
Well, that's it for now- oh, I have some video of a rescue BC that needs a home, and Danny, my boy, I will put up the links soon :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Danny's home!!!!!!!
Danny is home. I am amazed at how much I missed him. I worked him a bit before picking him up, and then on to home. Not a hitch on folding back into the pack. He remembered most of his manners, and boy, is he like a pup. After we played this morning, he went up to the top of the stairs on the deck to meet me and was one big movable "s" shape. He's such a sweetie.
He slept pretty well, and is eating well too. I think Lucy is happy he's back, a boy, not a female to have around- that always makes her happy.
I am under the weather today, so it won't be a long post, but just wanted to update everyone :)
He slept pretty well, and is eating well too. I think Lucy is happy he's back, a boy, not a female to have around- that always makes her happy.
I am under the weather today, so it won't be a long post, but just wanted to update everyone :)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Golden Girls : Sofia and Dorothy "I GOT YOU BABE" !
I have always love the Golden Girls, and this is one of my FAVORITE clips :)
Age doesn't matter
Nothing special about this video, save for the fact that the handler is 92.
George Richards & Hummel at Dachshund Speciality 2009 from John Richards on Vimeo.
She called me a "baby"!
Now, like most self sufficient, independent women, I believe I am pretty tough- for most purposes. I pride myself on my ability to rebound from insult or injury.
Well, yesterday I had a Dr. appointment. Had to get my B12 shot. Well, the first time I got one, I didn't feel it- a nurse had done it. The second time, the physician did it, and it hurt like a &%%U$%$. She told me that that was because she used a different needle, or some such hooey, because people believed that if it didn't hurt, it wouldn't work.... Yeah, right.
So, when she jabs me with the needle, I flinch, just a little- more because I was expecting pain, but I did. In response the Dr. said "You are a baby!" Now, that irritated me. Let me give HER a shot. Please. Most physicians I have met are the BIGGEST babies.
Add to that the fact that when I went to leave, on my paperwork she circled something about allergies (as the reason for the appt), and that she gave me a requisition for b-work, not having mentioned that she would, and I left there a bit annoyed.
Question: Would you be annoyed? What would you do?
She is a good Dr, but she lacks in bedside manner, and evidently, memory...
ps: my arm aches. Give me the nurse next time, please.
Well, yesterday I had a Dr. appointment. Had to get my B12 shot. Well, the first time I got one, I didn't feel it- a nurse had done it. The second time, the physician did it, and it hurt like a &%%U$%$. She told me that that was because she used a different needle, or some such hooey, because people believed that if it didn't hurt, it wouldn't work.... Yeah, right.
So, when she jabs me with the needle, I flinch, just a little- more because I was expecting pain, but I did. In response the Dr. said "You are a baby!" Now, that irritated me. Let me give HER a shot. Please. Most physicians I have met are the BIGGEST babies.
Add to that the fact that when I went to leave, on my paperwork she circled something about allergies (as the reason for the appt), and that she gave me a requisition for b-work, not having mentioned that she would, and I left there a bit annoyed.
Question: Would you be annoyed? What would you do?
She is a good Dr, but she lacks in bedside manner, and evidently, memory...
ps: my arm aches. Give me the nurse next time, please.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Another week, another.....
Well, here it is Monday again, just one in a string of them ;) You know, I think if I won the lottery, things would be much better. No, I would not quit working, but I would seriously take more time off, go places, do more fun things. So, if and when I win the lottery, I have my plans covered ;)
It was a very quiet weekend. No dog things scheduled for some time. Not sure when Danny is coming home. I know he is very happy where he is, so it's a bit selfish for me to want him home... I know. But, I do miss him.
Lucy hasn't worked sheep since early last week, and I think yesterday when she got in the car, she thought we were going to do just that, but alas, it was just a trip to the store.
Well, there isn't much to report, so I will sign off!
It was a very quiet weekend. No dog things scheduled for some time. Not sure when Danny is coming home. I know he is very happy where he is, so it's a bit selfish for me to want him home... I know. But, I do miss him.
Lucy hasn't worked sheep since early last week, and I think yesterday when she got in the car, she thought we were going to do just that, but alas, it was just a trip to the store.
Well, there isn't much to report, so I will sign off!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
First things first, my friend in Australia gave the thumbs up on the new colours- apparently green and gold are Ozzie colours! I had no idea, guess it was fate...
On a very disturbing note (and please note, I am pro choice, even if I would not chose to have an abortion, unless my/baby's health required it) I read an article on forced abortions in China. Still going on. In order to have a child, you must have a "birth permit". Those who don't get the permit face these forced abortions- some done at almost full term, with babies, still alive, and reportedly, just about full term, being dumped in the trash. The Dr's who perform this have tricks such as puncturing the skull, to make sure the baby is dead. It's all very heinous.
Approximately 500 women commit suicide per year in China. Male children is all the country wants, and with the birth permits, and forced abortions, and elective, if the child is female, they now have 37 million more men than women in this country. This also fuels the sex trade. It's all very disturbing. The article I read was well written, and was due to information brought illegally out of China. We need to measure our need to be friendly with China, with the equal need to pressure this heinous practice to stop. Yes, China is over populated, it is. They have starving people. But, what about rewarding people to take birth control, something that would prevent unnecessary births, but not take away individual rights.
Another completely different note, I watch Victoria Stillwell, and Cesar when I can. They all tout the benefits of walking our dogs. Ostensibly, I agree. But, what if you have a neighborhood that has poor examples of neighbors, and their aggressive dogs, every other house? Dogs that frequently get loose, and go after people and dogs. Is it good to walk my dogs in my neighborhood? Even in another neighborhood, I find that the rational versus nincompoop dog owner is heavily weighted on the latter. I just simply don't want my dogs attacked.
Oh, and one more thing- I told you this was various- if you have a cat that pukes his canned food, make sure that when you plate it, you squish it down into the bottom of the bowl. This makes the cat work harder, and take longer to eat, thusly, removing the need to puke.
On a very disturbing note (and please note, I am pro choice, even if I would not chose to have an abortion, unless my/baby's health required it) I read an article on forced abortions in China. Still going on. In order to have a child, you must have a "birth permit". Those who don't get the permit face these forced abortions- some done at almost full term, with babies, still alive, and reportedly, just about full term, being dumped in the trash. The Dr's who perform this have tricks such as puncturing the skull, to make sure the baby is dead. It's all very heinous.
Approximately 500 women commit suicide per year in China. Male children is all the country wants, and with the birth permits, and forced abortions, and elective, if the child is female, they now have 37 million more men than women in this country. This also fuels the sex trade. It's all very disturbing. The article I read was well written, and was due to information brought illegally out of China. We need to measure our need to be friendly with China, with the equal need to pressure this heinous practice to stop. Yes, China is over populated, it is. They have starving people. But, what about rewarding people to take birth control, something that would prevent unnecessary births, but not take away individual rights.
Another completely different note, I watch Victoria Stillwell, and Cesar when I can. They all tout the benefits of walking our dogs. Ostensibly, I agree. But, what if you have a neighborhood that has poor examples of neighbors, and their aggressive dogs, every other house? Dogs that frequently get loose, and go after people and dogs. Is it good to walk my dogs in my neighborhood? Even in another neighborhood, I find that the rational versus nincompoop dog owner is heavily weighted on the latter. I just simply don't want my dogs attacked.
Oh, and one more thing- I told you this was various- if you have a cat that pukes his canned food, make sure that when you plate it, you squish it down into the bottom of the bowl. This makes the cat work harder, and take longer to eat, thusly, removing the need to puke.
Not the shopping I planned....
Well, after work yesterday, I headed out to the mall. But, at the intersection where I could make a last ditch change of mind, I did ;)
I headed to Barnes and Noble, on the off chance that some books from some of my favorite authors were in. THEY WERE!!! I was SOOOOOOOOO happy. I also got the bio by Paula Deen for my mother for one of her Christmas presents (give me strength Lord, not to read it.. it looks very good).
So, after that, I headed up to the vet's to get medicine for Kylie, and another month's worth of Interceptor for the dogs, and also to Home Depot for water softener salt. Then, I went to the feed store, and got feed...
Then, I came home, ate a big dinner (today will be a light meal, I am sick of big dinners), and watched some tv. I fell asleep very early.
This morning, I am not sure what I will do. Feel like being lazy again, but I see this is becoming a habit... Maybe the mall. Probably not.
Hopefully, Danny comes home next week- fingers crossed!
I headed to Barnes and Noble, on the off chance that some books from some of my favorite authors were in. THEY WERE!!! I was SOOOOOOOOO happy. I also got the bio by Paula Deen for my mother for one of her Christmas presents (give me strength Lord, not to read it.. it looks very good).
So, after that, I headed up to the vet's to get medicine for Kylie, and another month's worth of Interceptor for the dogs, and also to Home Depot for water softener salt. Then, I went to the feed store, and got feed...
Then, I came home, ate a big dinner (today will be a light meal, I am sick of big dinners), and watched some tv. I fell asleep very early.
This morning, I am not sure what I will do. Feel like being lazy again, but I see this is becoming a habit... Maybe the mall. Probably not.
Hopefully, Danny comes home next week- fingers crossed!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Much better
Well, I will be darned. That heating pad did the trick. I turned it on low and got into bed last night, and before I knew it, the heat from my sore back was overtaken by the heat of the heating pad. Then, it was like, just wonderful. I really needed that. I slept like a baby last night, even a bit late this morning. Wow, when my muscles get sore, they get SORE.
I haven't had the energy, or what have you, to do much of anything this week. So, maybe this weekend will be better, who knows. I know that I really don't like all this darkness.
I may make some cookies this weekend- have a hankering for home made Peanut Butter cookies. We shall see...
Well, that's it for now.
I haven't had the energy, or what have you, to do much of anything this week. So, maybe this weekend will be better, who knows. I know that I really don't like all this darkness.
I may make some cookies this weekend- have a hankering for home made Peanut Butter cookies. We shall see...
Well, that's it for now.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Last time I do THAT
That's the last time I stay up to watch anything past 10:00. I stayed up to watch "Top Chef", and then, I could not fall asleep.
Then, my upper back was burning so bad, I could not sleep. Seriously. I was just in agony. Perhaps it is all the driving I have been doing, or the extra work, I don't know, all I do know, is that it is untenable.
Aches and pains, though part of normal life, are a real pain ;) I think a nice massage would be good, with perhaps a shot of chiropractic... We tend to store tension in our upper back, and I guess I would be a good illustration for that.
Dogs are good. Bought a new canned food- Taste of the Wild. Don't like it. Comes in slices, and boy does it create gas in Tucker. Won't be buying that again. Cats are good too, but I am getting pretty sick of the boy (Mr Chips) getting up before 5:00 every morning to meow us all awake. He succeeds in getting Kylie up, and then meows/talks to her, telling her his tales of sadness that I won't get up. I ended up getting up early today, because he was able to get Tucker up, and being an old boy, he has to go, when he gets up. Darn that cat.
This weekend, absolutely no plans. That is good. Well, maybe I will do a bit of Christmas shopping- yes, it is getting to be that time, and for once, I do not want to have to rush around. Thanksgiving is the week after next, and then it's a mad dash to Christmas.
Well, that's it for now...
Then, my upper back was burning so bad, I could not sleep. Seriously. I was just in agony. Perhaps it is all the driving I have been doing, or the extra work, I don't know, all I do know, is that it is untenable.
Aches and pains, though part of normal life, are a real pain ;) I think a nice massage would be good, with perhaps a shot of chiropractic... We tend to store tension in our upper back, and I guess I would be a good illustration for that.
Dogs are good. Bought a new canned food- Taste of the Wild. Don't like it. Comes in slices, and boy does it create gas in Tucker. Won't be buying that again. Cats are good too, but I am getting pretty sick of the boy (Mr Chips) getting up before 5:00 every morning to meow us all awake. He succeeds in getting Kylie up, and then meows/talks to her, telling her his tales of sadness that I won't get up. I ended up getting up early today, because he was able to get Tucker up, and being an old boy, he has to go, when he gets up. Darn that cat.
This weekend, absolutely no plans. That is good. Well, maybe I will do a bit of Christmas shopping- yes, it is getting to be that time, and for once, I do not want to have to rush around. Thanksgiving is the week after next, and then it's a mad dash to Christmas.
Well, that's it for now...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Update on Danny
I went to see Danny working the other day. Of course, the battery to my video camera was dead as a door nail.
I hid behind a tree, and the trainer started working him. I could see immediately, that this was a different dog than the pup I sent up there not quite a month ago. Danny was not tight, he was freely moving. He would do nice flanks, and then walk up as asked, and he was so super focused and serious.
I then got to work him just a little, as I wanted our interaction to be good, and he was good for me too.
Later, as we chatted, Danny lay down, and watch the sheep intently, but his ears were back listening... Every once in a while he would turn his head back, as if to ask permission if he could walk up.
Danny has joined up with his trainer, and she is as far as he is concerned THE sheep goddess. He was happy to see me, but really, what he wanted to do was to work for whomever would, but he has bonded to the trainer very well. It's my first experience with that. Kelpies don't generally bond to other people so well.
Danny is so happy there working sheep, it's really hard to articulate. He has matured so much on the sheep, and is just all about the work. He is still a puppy to be sure, but he has come leaps and bounds.
I will be getting him back next week. Glad to have him back, but I will need to make sure I keep him worked.
I hid behind a tree, and the trainer started working him. I could see immediately, that this was a different dog than the pup I sent up there not quite a month ago. Danny was not tight, he was freely moving. He would do nice flanks, and then walk up as asked, and he was so super focused and serious.
I then got to work him just a little, as I wanted our interaction to be good, and he was good for me too.
Later, as we chatted, Danny lay down, and watch the sheep intently, but his ears were back listening... Every once in a while he would turn his head back, as if to ask permission if he could walk up.
Danny has joined up with his trainer, and she is as far as he is concerned THE sheep goddess. He was happy to see me, but really, what he wanted to do was to work for whomever would, but he has bonded to the trainer very well. It's my first experience with that. Kelpies don't generally bond to other people so well.
Danny is so happy there working sheep, it's really hard to articulate. He has matured so much on the sheep, and is just all about the work. He is still a puppy to be sure, but he has come leaps and bounds.
I will be getting him back next week. Glad to have him back, but I will need to make sure I keep him worked.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Do you like the new colors?
I am still thinking of tweaking them, but I need time to play, and that I haven't got of late....
I wanted to mention that the other day I was working with Lucy, and her driving was just well, not right, bad, terrible, you name it. The sheep were heavy, so maybe that was it. All I know, is I think the next time, she will be wearing a long line, so I can help her..
So, once I realized that it wasn't going so well, I figured I would change things up and work on shedding. Well, these sheep stunk for driving, but they were good for shedding. Also, Lucy was just better on flanks, and they kept calm. So, I got things settled, and I called her in when the sheep made a hole, and we held the two I asked for. We did this two more times. It was so cool.
Something about Lucy being three? All I know is that she really is thinking now, and working as a team with me. I think we will *always* have issues on the fetch, but I suppose all dogs have their issues. Anyway, it was "all good" :)
I wanted to mention that the other day I was working with Lucy, and her driving was just well, not right, bad, terrible, you name it. The sheep were heavy, so maybe that was it. All I know, is I think the next time, she will be wearing a long line, so I can help her..
So, once I realized that it wasn't going so well, I figured I would change things up and work on shedding. Well, these sheep stunk for driving, but they were good for shedding. Also, Lucy was just better on flanks, and they kept calm. So, I got things settled, and I called her in when the sheep made a hole, and we held the two I asked for. We did this two more times. It was so cool.
Something about Lucy being three? All I know is that she really is thinking now, and working as a team with me. I think we will *always* have issues on the fetch, but I suppose all dogs have their issues. Anyway, it was "all good" :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
That'll do Lucy
Yesterday Lucy and I ran at an ASTA trial (Australian Shepherd Trial Association). Asta also happens to have been the name of one of my grandparent's dogs, but I digress.
This was the third year Lucy and I attended this trial, and this was the best weather we have had. I expected to see lots of Aussies, but there were only two. The rest were Border Collies, and we had three Kelpies including Lucy.
I thought that there would be an outrun/lift and fetch for the intermediate and advanced classes, but there was none. Instead, we were treated to things most of us had never done (at least in a trial situation). I was mildly apoplectic at the thought of having to accomplish this...
The first thing we had to do was walk on to the field- not so hard, really. They had let three sheep out of the holding pen, and we had to put them back in another pen. Okay, so that was done easy peasy. There were already another three sheep into where we put them, so now there were six. Then, we had to put the dog in the pen (yikes) and shift three up into the race/chute that was there, and separate the three with a guillotine door. Lucy was PERFECT working in there, she just was calm and I never had to ask more than once for anything. So, we got our three sheep out as directed, and I remembered at the last minute to close the door.
So, then it was have Lucy drive the sheep through a set of panels that had a big log, acting as a jump. Lucy did well, listening, and took my flanks so we actually drove them through with me at a good distance.
Then, we had to take them to the figure eight, and the "posts" were a donkey in a corral and a ram (with breeding harness on) in another pen. In my class we had to stand in a hula hoop, and not move, and direct the dogs to direct the sheep around. This may ostensibly seem easy, but the sheep were very attracted to Mr. Ram, so they would stick (literally) to his pen. For some reason, Lucy and I did this with only a few bobbles (to my memory) and a couple times one sheep headed for the holding pen area, and Lucy just went and got them. No slicing, just good calm, "I'll get that one for you" work.
Then, we had to (while standing in a hula hoop) put the sheep in what's called a trap- basically a chute with the end door closed. Once in, we had to hold them there, until the judge said "okay". We tried for all three, but we managed only to get two in. Lucy's flanks were good here, and that helped keep the sheep calm. So, then on to the drive away panels. It was hard to get them away from that chute and we wasted lots of time- I also got frenetic. I HATE when I get like that. I am so sorry Lucy.
So, we got them into those panels, and time was called. Then, we had to put the sheep away, and we were done.
I have always loved this trial. The folks who put it on are so friendly and nice, and it's a good way to spend a fall day, that is for SURE.
So, in the end, Lucy won her class. She earned some nice $$ to take home, and more respect from me, her hapless handler.
Yes, that will do Lucy. You will ALWAYS do.
This was the third year Lucy and I attended this trial, and this was the best weather we have had. I expected to see lots of Aussies, but there were only two. The rest were Border Collies, and we had three Kelpies including Lucy.
I thought that there would be an outrun/lift and fetch for the intermediate and advanced classes, but there was none. Instead, we were treated to things most of us had never done (at least in a trial situation). I was mildly apoplectic at the thought of having to accomplish this...
The first thing we had to do was walk on to the field- not so hard, really. They had let three sheep out of the holding pen, and we had to put them back in another pen. Okay, so that was done easy peasy. There were already another three sheep into where we put them, so now there were six. Then, we had to put the dog in the pen (yikes) and shift three up into the race/chute that was there, and separate the three with a guillotine door. Lucy was PERFECT working in there, she just was calm and I never had to ask more than once for anything. So, we got our three sheep out as directed, and I remembered at the last minute to close the door.
So, then it was have Lucy drive the sheep through a set of panels that had a big log, acting as a jump. Lucy did well, listening, and took my flanks so we actually drove them through with me at a good distance.
Then, we had to take them to the figure eight, and the "posts" were a donkey in a corral and a ram (with breeding harness on) in another pen. In my class we had to stand in a hula hoop, and not move, and direct the dogs to direct the sheep around. This may ostensibly seem easy, but the sheep were very attracted to Mr. Ram, so they would stick (literally) to his pen. For some reason, Lucy and I did this with only a few bobbles (to my memory) and a couple times one sheep headed for the holding pen area, and Lucy just went and got them. No slicing, just good calm, "I'll get that one for you" work.
Then, we had to (while standing in a hula hoop) put the sheep in what's called a trap- basically a chute with the end door closed. Once in, we had to hold them there, until the judge said "okay". We tried for all three, but we managed only to get two in. Lucy's flanks were good here, and that helped keep the sheep calm. So, then on to the drive away panels. It was hard to get them away from that chute and we wasted lots of time- I also got frenetic. I HATE when I get like that. I am so sorry Lucy.
So, we got them into those panels, and time was called. Then, we had to put the sheep away, and we were done.
I have always loved this trial. The folks who put it on are so friendly and nice, and it's a good way to spend a fall day, that is for SURE.
So, in the end, Lucy won her class. She earned some nice $$ to take home, and more respect from me, her hapless handler.
Yes, that will do Lucy. You will ALWAYS do.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Did you vote?
Well, election day is over, and just about everyone I voted for got in. That's a nice thing. Some races were very close- just 8 votes separating the winners and losers. I have always voted, it's such a wonderful privilege that we all should take part in.
Slept a wee bit better last night- until almost 4:30. I think slowly I am adjusting. It is definitely colder out there lately- furnace is coming on every night now. Basically, it's in the low thirties in the mornings. Fifties during the day.
It has been so quiet in the house without Danny around. It's nice, but a bit odd. I miss the little guy. He comes home in a couple of weeks. Then, I get to take over his training.
Hey, if anyone who doesn't feed raw, is looking for a good dry food, I can 100% stand by "Health wise" Chicken/Oatmeal. My dogs do just great on it, and it is cheaper than many similar brands. Their coats shine, very low output, and good energy. Good quality control as well- doesn't change appearance like so many do, over time.
I also feed one of my cats this food, and he LOVES it. I have tried all the high end brands with him, but he never really liked them- he would eat a little, and then meow, and look for the real food he was supposed to get. With this food, he eats with gusto. It's also affordable.
Well, that's it for now, I hope you voted!
Slept a wee bit better last night- until almost 4:30. I think slowly I am adjusting. It is definitely colder out there lately- furnace is coming on every night now. Basically, it's in the low thirties in the mornings. Fifties during the day.
It has been so quiet in the house without Danny around. It's nice, but a bit odd. I miss the little guy. He comes home in a couple of weeks. Then, I get to take over his training.
Hey, if anyone who doesn't feed raw, is looking for a good dry food, I can 100% stand by "Health wise" Chicken/Oatmeal. My dogs do just great on it, and it is cheaper than many similar brands. Their coats shine, very low output, and good energy. Good quality control as well- doesn't change appearance like so many do, over time.
I also feed one of my cats this food, and he LOVES it. I have tried all the high end brands with him, but he never really liked them- he would eat a little, and then meow, and look for the real food he was supposed to get. With this food, he eats with gusto. It's also affordable.
Well, that's it for now, I hope you voted!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Rotten time change
Well, maybe that is a *bit* harsh, but honestly, for the life of me, I can't get adjusted. I have been waking up some where between 4 and 4:30 every morning. The animals are all up at that time to, and it takes a fair bit of convincing to get them to stay in "bed". The cat is the worst offender- constant meowing.
So, when I do finally get up, I feel like I need way more sleep. Also, this business of dark at 5:00? That really stinks. I will be glad when we hit the winter solstice.
Oh, a nice little thing (NOT!), I went to go to bed last night, and SOMEONE had PUKED on my pillow case- I think it was Lucy- just bile, but man, was that acrid. Could you have TRIED to aim elsewhere? Oh, and on Sunday I had washed all my linens, so of course that would happen.
Rest of the week will be filled with work, doesn't that sound like fun?
So, when I do finally get up, I feel like I need way more sleep. Also, this business of dark at 5:00? That really stinks. I will be glad when we hit the winter solstice.
Oh, a nice little thing (NOT!), I went to go to bed last night, and SOMEONE had PUKED on my pillow case- I think it was Lucy- just bile, but man, was that acrid. Could you have TRIED to aim elsewhere? Oh, and on Sunday I had washed all my linens, so of course that would happen.
Rest of the week will be filled with work, doesn't that sound like fun?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tail gate sale
Wow, it was fun :) I brought Lucy, and when I arrived, the first thing I noticed was that there were LOTS of poultry- ducks, Quail, Turkeys, LOTS of Chickens. There were also Bunnies, Sheep, Goats, well, I am not sure what else, because I only stayed an hour, and more was coming as I was heading out. Lots of stuff being sold.
Lucy rather enjoyed herself- a bit too much. The Chickens were bringing out the Coyote in her, and she truly got very interested when they squawked when someone picked them up. The sheep consisted of ewe and ram lambs some 4 months, some 5 months, who were not dog broke. They thought Lucy was another sheep, I think. For some reason, Lucy was not interested in them. Well, when they were unloading, yes, but not in their pens. There were Jacobs and Dorsets. I came *close* to taking the Jacobs.
So close, but so far...

Lucy says "If I sit real nice, can I PLEASE have them?"

Pekin mixed meat Ducks (only 14 weeks old)


Lucy is looking at lunch on the run

The boys again, look who's looking at Lucy again...

Lucy eyeing the Turkeys- she thougth there gobble sounds were amazing

The male Jacob, and Dorset sheep, and wethered goat, who's eyeing Lucy


35 lb male Gray goose- word is, he's looking for a girl friend

HUGE show Chickens- all roosters

Prettiest Japanese Quail I have seen

Boar goat kids

Close up of "Lamb Chop" ewe lamb

Jacob ewe lambs, and a Dorset ewe lamb
Lucy rather enjoyed herself- a bit too much. The Chickens were bringing out the Coyote in her, and she truly got very interested when they squawked when someone picked them up. The sheep consisted of ewe and ram lambs some 4 months, some 5 months, who were not dog broke. They thought Lucy was another sheep, I think. For some reason, Lucy was not interested in them. Well, when they were unloading, yes, but not in their pens. There were Jacobs and Dorsets. I came *close* to taking the Jacobs.
So close, but so far...

Lucy says "If I sit real nice, can I PLEASE have them?"

Pekin mixed meat Ducks (only 14 weeks old)


Lucy is looking at lunch on the run

The boys again, look who's looking at Lucy again...

Lucy eyeing the Turkeys- she thougth there gobble sounds were amazing

The male Jacob, and Dorset sheep, and wethered goat, who's eyeing Lucy


35 lb male Gray goose- word is, he's looking for a girl friend

HUGE show Chickens- all roosters

Prettiest Japanese Quail I have seen

Boar goat kids

Close up of "Lamb Chop" ewe lamb

Jacob ewe lambs, and a Dorset ewe lamb

Half over
Well, weekend's half over, and I still have a full weekend of stuff I want to do!
Yesterday, I worked all day, and then I hit the grocery store on the way home. I stopped at my sister's place for a visit, and then home. No more leaf work, but it's coming...
Made a nice supper, and then some good old brownies- love them with a glass of milk.
Today is a farm tail gate sale not far from me. Everything from sheep to chickens and supplies will be there. Should be a a lot of fun.
Slept well last night, which makes it doubly better that the clocks went back an hour last night- feel doubly rested.
I have to clean this house today, maybe I will before I head out to the sale, as when I get back, I surely won't want to.
Weather is iffy today, but it has been like that pretty much this whole year. Makes working dogs in good weather a gift. Won't be working Lucy today, maybe some other time...
Yesterday, I worked all day, and then I hit the grocery store on the way home. I stopped at my sister's place for a visit, and then home. No more leaf work, but it's coming...
Made a nice supper, and then some good old brownies- love them with a glass of milk.
Today is a farm tail gate sale not far from me. Everything from sheep to chickens and supplies will be there. Should be a a lot of fun.
Slept well last night, which makes it doubly better that the clocks went back an hour last night- feel doubly rested.
I have to clean this house today, maybe I will before I head out to the sale, as when I get back, I surely won't want to.
Weather is iffy today, but it has been like that pretty much this whole year. Makes working dogs in good weather a gift. Won't be working Lucy today, maybe some other time...
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