Thursday, November 17, 2011

I am so happy. The littlest things make me so. I mentioned my old kitty was not well. Well, last night, I believe she turned a corner. She did not get up at all- not until 4:30, which also means I slept all night, the first time in a long time!!!!!! And, when she did get up, she went and ate, the litter box was not on her plans. I can't tell you how elated I was about that. She seems brighter too.

Hattie was seen TWICE yesterday!!!!!!!!!! Once in the morning feeding on road kill and once last night around 8:00 pm, only about a half mile from the morning sighting. Plan now is to get some traps together- one gentleman does trapping and has offered his help. She is one wily canine.

My sheep are good, the thin older Border Leicester has gained weight and looks just like the others. When I scored her yesterday I was rather shocked. Now, all twelve sheep are just getting one 2 quart scoop of grain each day, along with hay.

I am glad this weekend is coming. AND, next week is a short week. Looking forward to a little bit of down time.

Well, that's it for now!

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