Thursday, January 7, 2010

Weak again

So, the emotional and work loads have taken a toll on me. Yesterday, when I got home, I was short of breath- and that lasted until I fell asleep. I wasn't stressed about anything. I awoke this morning with the same thing. Today, I am just very weak and tired. I guess it's time for another B-12 shot...

I got a call that Tucker's ashes are ready, so I will pick them up today. My boy will be home, in a manner of speaking. I still look for him, and sometimes I expect to see him. Nikke misses him. He was the only dog who liked her as a friend.

I worked Lucy and Danny on sheep, and just simply froze, nearly to death, I think. I got my butt wet, and I think I subsequently got frost bite. Hard as heck, this weather. The whole nation is suffering. Oil prices are going up (of course). I hope we get a January thaw....

Mr. Chips will now be known as Chipper, as it rolls off the tongue better. He decided to go out with the dogs this morning- even though it was 12 degrees. He was more than ready to come in when I got back to him....

Not much to report, it's January, now, officially my least favorite month.


BCxFour said...

It is slow, slow process out of grief. Big hugs to you...hold on and think of the warm spring days and the flowers that will soon pop out from beneath the snow. Time heals and sunshine is around the corner.

Billy said...

Last summer, soon after I lost Bid, a very wise dog trainer friend told me this: "all you can do is put all your efforts into your other dogs". I don't know if this will help you but his advice helped me. I found that staying focused on the words "all my efforts" became my mantra. And those efforts include taking care of yourself so you can be a good caretaker and trainer for your other pets. I have been so sorry to read of your loss. All the dog people understand your pain.