Sunday, April 3, 2011

Regaining traction

Well, here it is, the second of my two days off in a row. This is the first time I have had this in over two years. It's rather um, I don't know how to define it.

Mr Big cat tried to get me up early, but being that I was able to chill yesterday, today I was even less apt to get up and run. It was really good.

It's still quite early, but I have already started laundry, and tackled this mish mash pile of clothes/bedding/rugs to sort through and put away/get rid of/put down. I am going to put away my heavy winter comforter and bring out the summer one, and I may even order a new one since Danny chewed a hole in it...

Plan is to clean the house, bird cage, etc., and then up to the farm to work Danny, and maybe leave my sheep out in the field to graze a bit... We will see. It is windy again today, so no new seed going out, but the good news is, it appears that warm weather will stay around now. So very happy about that. Need to find a shearer- closer than the one I used last year. Gosh, I am almost afraid to see how fat my sheep are... Although, with the dog work lately, I think they are taking some of the extra weight off.

Did I say how cool it was to have another day off? Really, it's just amazing. I think for dinner I may get a rotisserie chicken, and some potato salad. Not sure, but it sounds good....

Will definitely stop by John's today, and see how the creep feeder we set up is working- it's a pen John bought with the door opening only large enough for lambs. Once they get the hang of that, they should all start to really gain some good weight. Ten ram lambs are sold already for Easter by a long time customer of John's, and then I will pick out which ewe lambs I want. I think John is striving for a smaller, but healthier flock and I think once we get them wormed, he will see a great improvement in weight gain and milk production for his breeding ewes. This has been a lot of fun, and a lot of learning for me- helping John every day. I went into this lambing with a lot of sentimentality for the lambs, and losing one was really hard, but as time has gone on, I see that you have to do what you can, but realize that not every single lamb can/will make it.

It is so green outside today- almost, well, amazing. Dogs are all laying around my feet and cats are back asleep after their breakfast. Oh, and Ginger, my old kitty is 18 years old today. Amazing. Who would have thought. She isn't very agile, and she can get a bit demanding, but all in all, she's still my same wonderful Ginge.

So, basically, life is good. Very good. Here's to a great day for everyone!

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