Monday, March 21, 2011

What a weekend. We had good weather both days, so I got BUSY with the sheep field. People who haven't had to hand clear fields, just can't appreciate the sheer level of work and dedication it takes to go from basically forest to pasture. It's not just cutting down trees- it's doing that, moving all the trees to be burned- and when some are 50 ft plus tall, and with evergreens, with limbs that are 15 ft+ long, it isn't a small job to process that. Then, you have to rake and rake and rake. That's what I did this weekend and am only maybe 1/3 done. I had my nephew help yesterday but on Sat I was solo.

On Sat, after work I set forth on the newly cleared of brush hill which is closest to the barn. It looks really good, but I had a bunch of piles to be moved... On Saturday, I had some people come by to pick up manure in the barn- free of charge, you just need to scoop it out. That was a good deal for them and me. Still a lot left in there though.

On Sunday, I hired my nephew to help me, and first thing we did was move those piles outside of the field (I still need to move a lot of brush to the burn pile). Then, we went to the top of the field where a thick stand of evergreens and brush had been. A very big section was just full, and no sunlight, meaning no grass ever grew. Lots of decomposed tree material too. We spent hours on that, and finally at our last tarp full, it was mind over matter for both of us. Just too freaking heavy, and just too tired. But, the majority of the thick stand of trees/brush is now down to just dirt.

I have more to go, but the heavy stuff, I hope is done. Need to seed in there big time. Sheep keep watching me work in that field wondering, I am sure when I will let them out. The other field may be where they go first at this rate.

Dropped my nephew off at home when we finished and I had a sandwich and basically collapsed. Forecast was for mixed precipitation today, so I am glad we got what we got done DONE. I feel like this field has been more than just a labor, really it's been more like a labor of love. I keep telling myself that the sheep will love it when done.... I do a lot for animals....

This week should be low key. May try and work Danny at another place, but that depends on work schedule and energy levels.... I saw gas went down 4 cents. Let's hope it continues that.

Well, that's all for now.

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