Friday, March 11, 2011

Getting a bit more centered lately. Realizing that what is important is not keeping in daily touch with anyone in particular (and that includes FB). But, rather, taking each day as my own and doing something for myself, and my animals. Not letting the small stuff bother me and also, learning to let go of old resentments and other useless stuff.

My old kitty Ginger is recovered from her cold, but I have noticed that her eyes are definitely sunken back into her head. Oh, she's still alert and active, but that is not normal. She is thin, and no muscle around her face. Ginger got up last night at 2:15, and then sat in the kitchen and meowed for me to come and get her- as the dogs would hamper her from getting back into the bedroom. Every day I have to get her from the litter box area, when she calls me, and I dutifully put her near her food area, so she can eat, and then go to her resting place. I am going to be a real mess when she goes. We have been together so long.

Dogs are good, and soon Danny and Lucy will get to work again. Right now, the flooding is incredible from all the rain we had the last 24 hours. I am so glad we finished the brush removal when we did.

I am not feeling good today. I hope it's just a passing thing.

Well, here's to a good weekend for everyone!

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