Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Productive is good!

I am making serious headway on the manure pile.  I bet maybe three more days of doing this and I am done (see, it WAS big).  I was a machine yesterday.  Busy day at work, then up to the farm.  First thing was feed sheep, walk dogs and then I cleared out the Jeep and went and got more hay; hopefully last hay I will need.  When I got back I cleaned out one of the water tubs, refilled it and then put hay away.  Oh, and before I left to get hay I worked both dogs.  The ram lamb was a bit lame on his front leg so I caught him and checked, and trimmed his foot a little, but it wasn't really needing it much.  He seemed better after walking around..  Anyway, after hay unloaded, I moved more manure and then worked the dogs again.  THAT is when Joe was a star.  WOW.  WOW.  WOW.  Totally working and listening.  I see that his issues are him being young and energetic, not um, less biddable than I thought- glad I saw that.  After I worked Joe, we then took our last walk.  I had Dan walk behind me, and Joe just trotted right ahead of me.  I have to keep Dan behind me or he's nuts trying to herd Joe.

When I got home I hit the wall of sorts, and was asleep very early.  It was a good productive day!

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