Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Un-excitable me

Yep, that's me :) In that way, I am different than some others who have deigned to jump in with both boots on, the life called hard work, farming and care of livestock. Maybe it's because I grew up doing it. I kind of roll my eyes when I read some writings of people who get excited over things like shearing, or new animals, or MORE WORK in general. LOL!

Those of us who were Country before country was cool (and implicit to that is "homesteading") seem to all pretty much be on the same page. We know that at the end of the day there is a calm feeling of accomplishment and appreciation for a job well done, and happy healthy animals. The others- the ones who have read "Food Inc" (I hear it's great) The Omnivore's Dilemma (also great, I hear). The ones who drive the "green" car models, and brag about their garden, etc., and spend hours going on and on about HOW to be green, well, I don't really have an interest in their rhetoric.

It would be similar to me going to a sheepdog trial at this point and being amazed that the black and white dog knows what the whistles mean.... It's rather inane.

Maybe it's because I don't always go with the flow. I don't know. Maybe it's because I have been doing all of what I do on my own forever, and realize that no matter how high the highs, a low is around the corner, and maybe (more likely) it's my age.

I can tell you that the folks who I have listed on my blog role are those that do get it, and keep it "real" and don't romanticize- Pioneer Woman- now THAT is a great blog walking the walk, and letting us in to see her world, and her beautiful kids, and handsome husband, and also showing us the farm- all in that order, and I LOVE that. Ah to be her sister.

I love Diane's Deltabluez blog as well. Keeping it real. Hey, maybe I've a new name for my blog!

So, now you see what I am getting at. Don't come to me with your missionary fervor over your green life, and shouldn't I be awed? Don't give me the new titles that will make me want to be more green, just live your life and share your stories and realize that we have all been there and done that, for the most part. You lose your audience when you romanticize a life that is to it's core hard work, an personal gratification. Rather like the program "Last American Cowboy". THAT is how it is.

Maybe I am getting old....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ha! I know exactly what prompted this post and had the same reaction to it ;-)