Monday, June 21, 2010

Sort of down

Well, here it is Monday, and I am feeling sort of down. I know it will pass, but.... This Friday the two guys are coming to finish the field- that is, finish cutting down/up/dragging/piling all the trees. You should see the pile we already have. It's huge. I haven't been doing anything with the sheep, because the field isn't workable. Once they are done however, things will be much better. It's just been such a long slog, with no partner/helper, things seems to be that much more onerous.

I worked this weekend, and then on Sunday we had my nephew's confirmation, then dinner for Father's day at my parents'. It was very nice, good food (I brought deviled eggs), and it was good chatting it up with everyone.

It's hot as heck right now, and this week it will stay that way. I don't like weather like this. Danny can't hack doing much in it, so not much work for him. The difference in heat tolerance by Lucy vs Danny is incredible. Danny gets hot so much faster, and takes much longer to cool off. I wonder if I should trim him down a bit?

The baby Parakeets are SO loud, I sure hope they fledge soon. Poppa still feeds them, and they are near the box opening, but so far they haven't budged- ha ha- the Budgies haven't budged ;)

I hope I get my car back today. I really need it so I can work my dogs, and do what I need to. The car my sister lent me is doggy non-grata, so no working the dogs.

I think when all is said and done with the pasture, I will have a few friends over, or maybe, just me, myself and I, and will just sit up there and have a beer. I have spent loads of $$, time, stress and sweat over this relatively small pasture. It makes one wonder, how important is a non-necessity..... I guess at the end of the day, it comes down to doing something right, and also, keeping it in perspective. I *could* have sold my home and bought a new place, with a brand new huge mortgage, that I am saddled with for ever... or, I could do what I did. Spend a fraction of the cost, and if my circumstances change, well, then I am not paying for something I don't use anymore. When it comes down to it, who knows what I will be doing/where I will be living in 10 years? When you are single and doing it all on your own, you need to hedge your bets, and plan for the future, on one income. That's just the way it is.

I think maybe this week, I will change the look of the blog a bit- though I am woefully inept at things like html, and that sort of thing, I would like to get the blog updated to reflect my current life... A life that to some may seem rather boring, but it's the only one I got!

Some day, I fervently pray, that I can finally be financially okay, life will be so much easier that day. WORD.

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