Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's going to be a long time....

Before all the felled trees are dealt with. A had a guy come today to start dragging the trees to a pile and then cut them up. Some of the Jack Pines are so huge, they have to be cut in 2 or 3 pieces, just to drag them. The guy I hired is good, and much cheaper than the guys who felled the trees (I am still ruing agreeing to paying them what they asked for). I suspect, given that he only works 5 hour days, that it will be a good week before he's done. Oh, and those other guys missed a bunch of trees- so he will have to get them too- AND they left knee high stumps, so this guy has to deal with THAT too. But, he's good natured and a hard worker.

I am busy the rest of this week. I really want to work the dogs once this week- especially Lucy, before the trial. Then, I have a friend coming in Friday night to bunk at my place during the trial, so I have to get my house ship shape. For some reason lately I am just really tired. That doesn't help.

I will be so very happy when the pasture is up to snuff, and I can use it. Wouldn't that be nice? The sheep are good, they go somewhere when the chainsawing starts; I've no idea, but they disappear. I brought down their mineral so it is in a metal can just outside the gate- the steers came rushing over when they smelled it- they are such food hounds. Can't wait to eat them :)

Lucy and Danny have been playing every morning, which is just great. Lucy is back to normal, although she really doesn't like Yogurt, so she won't eat food sullied with it....

Well, that's all I have for now. Let's see how much I can get accomplished (pray for me).

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