Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So much for a quiet week- in a good way !

Yesterday I dropped my car off at the auto body repair shop to repair the damage to it from the deer collision a few weeks ago. I borrowed my sister's car, and was planning to hang out at the farm for the day, and meet a friend who was dropping off a pen I bought from them. I headed to the farm, checked the sheep, and the work that the chainsaw guy did, and everything was fine. Sheep look good, field is 1/2 done like he said and starting to look more like a pasture and less like woods.

So, I get a voice mail telling me I ought to head out to get a lesson with Barbara Ray, the judge from the trial this weekend. I didn't have to have my arm twisted. So, I pick up the dogs, and head out there. It was Danny's turn for a lesson. I didn't know how it would go on strange sheep, strange field.... First thing we addressed was Danny's pulling on a leash. Check, done.

Then we set the sheep up for an outrun on his good side. He was good. Then his bad side- good again, not as good but definitely not bad. We kept working and Barbara stood next to me and gave me real time handling directions which was AWESOME. WOW. I just can't believe how much I got from the lesson. Danny worked well, and by the end of the session I was really stoked. I have to write down all that she told me. Barbara said that she thought he would be nice, and she did like his outruns.

Danny has come so far. I wish I had known what I know now, when I trained Lucy. It would have saved us a lot of angst.

After the lesson I headed home, and then got a call that there was more damage than originally found on my car, so the adjuster has to come and okay the repair (the a/c condenser was damaged).

I had another night terror last night- that makes it several nights in a row. I woke up feeling very weak- breathing fast and very weak/tired. I bet I need another B12 shot. The lawn has to be mowed, the house cleaned and the pasture dealt with.

So much. I just will do what I can, and that's it. No trial this weekend (thank goodness). We are having a trifecta of fathers father's day celebration on Sunday, so that will be nice.

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