Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Slowly a new dawn, and new day, as Ms Hudson would say.... I have had a very stressful start to my week, and also very busy. But, now, I think things will be back to normal. Today I did some cleaning of the house, and some more laundry. It's a good start to getting back to normal....

I am entertaining having a clinician come out. I have to look at my sheep, my fence, and the costs associated with what I will need. This particular clinician has been out this way before and was very well received. But, no announcements just yet, as I have to figure lots of stuff out.

All of a sudden this afternoon, it got REALLY cold out. Brrr. But, there is talk of a warming trend. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???!

My friend and I have to treat the sheep again on Sunday, but I want to do it a bit differently, so I have to stop by the farm and speak with John about my suggestions. He should be starting to lamb in another week, so this is actually very good timing to get it done.

Well, that's it for now!

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