Monday, July 2, 2012

Tetanus in Sheep

The following is from a Purdue University site.  TETANUS IS INEVITABLY FATAL.  Please, those of you who believe some anti toxin and anti-biotics will heal a sheep, you are wrong.  Anti Toxin is for lambs who's dams were not vaccinated prior to delivery. Please, do NOT follow the advice, or "stories" of a self proclaimed "sheep medic" who neither has formal training, nor proper experience whatsoever.  

Tetanus is a common, fatal disease in sheep and goats caused by a bacterium known asClostridium tetani. The spores of this bacterium can be found in feces, they produce a powerful toxin in open wounds, and are not affected or destroyed by disinfectants. Most often, tetanus is caused by infection of an open wound. Because sheep undergo several maintenance procedures, such as castration, ear-marking, tail-docking, dehorning and debudding, sheep are highly at risk for contracting tetanus. Dog bites or deep scratches can also be "homes" for the bacteria. Incubation of Clostridium tetani is between 3 days and 3 weeks. During this time, the bacteria multiply and generate this powerful toxin. This toxin then affects the nerves around the site of injury/wound, travels to the spinal cord and brain, and ultimately causes uncontrollable muscle spasms. Consequently, signs and symptoms of tetanus infection include muscle stiffness and spasms, bloat, panic, uncoordinated walking and movements, and/or the inability to eat and drink. Death is inevitable, about 3-4 days after symptoms appear. Many sheep in a flock can be found dead without having shown any signs of the disease.


Karen said...

Yeah, sure didn't sound like the ewe had tetanus to me.

Elaine P said...

You said it best a couple of posts ago.....sounds like someone is so enamored with themselves they've crossed over to dellusional.

Jack*ss of all "trades" but master of none.

JakeJeb said...

I left a link to this blog post in a comment to her blog- she won't post it, of course, but hopefully she clicked the link and read it. "Farmers" like her disgust me. Her blog reads like a Cracker Barrel brochure-- a fantasy.

Meredith Amonson said...

how one can romanticize their life to the extent she does is quite dellusional.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this. I must say that I am very happy that there are people out there with a brain. If you spend too much time on her blog you start to think you are the only one seeing the insanity that is her world...