Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Sons of Norway dinner was great! Roast Pork, mashed potatoes and green beans, all followed by a Viennese table. MMMM. What was cool, was I felt right at home. Lots of men wearing some beautiful woolen Norwegian sweaters, and some women in traditional Norwegian Christmas dresses. You can see in the picture, what I am talking about :) The best part though, was meeting a woman who is the President of a Spinner's group, who said she, and the club members wanted my Border Leicester fleece in the spring. Would pay me whatever I wanted. Basically, as long as the shearer gets paid, that's all I would request.

Sheep continue to do well.

This is one of the lambs. They have all gained nicely. Body scores tell me that the ewes are the fattest they have been since I have had them, so this hay is settling nice with them. Unfortunately, some first cutting hay got into the delivery, and they will not eat it. I am surprised how picky they are.

Today, it was fore casted to be horrible. Downpours, and though not really cold, it was certainly horrible this morning. I went to the farm, and found a couple ewes comfy, under the trees, but the lambs and some other ewes out in the rain. I made the decision to bring everyone in.

Of course I had to re-work some of the panels, and then get some stuff set up (pails of water, hay, and grain to lead them in with). They readily followed me into their corral, and then into the barn. I then went through my hay, and found some bales had gotten/been wet and were ruined. At what I pay for hay, this is hugely bad. So, I moved the hay to drier ground and learned my freaking lesson.

I think the sheep were not happy, not being able to go to their field, but I think that when the wind picks up with the freezing rain tonight, they will appreciate being out of the weather.

It was funny, if I walked out of the barn, so did they, no matter where I went, they went too. #21, my favorite likes to stick next to me, I like her a lot.

I hope they are okay tonight. I didn't have a hay manger for the hay, so I put it on the floor, they will have a bit of bedding that way, and by tomorrow when I get there, the bad weather will have passed, and they will go back in the home field.

I was so tired today I sort of collapsed at around 2:00. I have since gotten up, cooked a meal, and am just sort of vegging. I will feed dogs soon, and then back in bed. I have needed rest like this forever.

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