Thursday, December 16, 2010

I think I am doing all right

I think I mentioned that I was stressed, and anxious... Well, it's about gone. What did I do? Just let my concerns go, and slept later. Yes, slept later, even though I wanted to jump out of bed. This has helped me so much.

For instance, this morning, I awoke, saw it was 5:00, and just rolled over. Then, I got up about 6:00. I was calm in my morning chores, and just not worried about anything. That's how I need to try to stay.

I cleaned the house yesterday, which always puts me in a better state. A cleaner house, for me, is a happier house.

My sheep seem to be faring well, even with the cold weather. They love their hay, and I think for livestock, life revolves around hay. When they grab their hay (especially the lambs) and look at me, they must be wondering "How the heck did she do that?" LOL!

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