Saturday, December 7, 2013

Truth be told...

So glad the weekend is here.  Long days at work this week, and just tired so tired by end of day.  Had some really bad dizziness the  other day at work, which was brought on by looking up at a leak in a pipe.. and now my stupid ears are bothering me- I finally understand now, that when it goes from cold to warm, my ears just close up, and I get dizzy, and deaf.  Just so much fun.  Well, one good thing is this morning I did not hear the dogs trying to wake me up early :)

Today the day starts with a trip to Tractor Supply, and then Barnes and Noble, and then get the dogs, and head up to the farm.  Have to fix the gates in the barn, tried using screws, but they gate is not solid- so back to the staples.   I also want to get some straw, but have to make sure truck is available, as want to get like 10 bales.  Won't need much until lambing, but want to have it in case we get some super bad weather.  We had some sleet last night, and I left the door open, but it was not really bad, so I doubt they even went in.

Truth be told, this is not my favorite time of year; scrambling to earn money for gifts, and knowing I have to work straight through the holidays.  It is depressing.. but soon enough, days will be getting longer and we will be at Jan 1. a fresh new year.

Let's see what I get done.. truth be told (again) I just want to get a hot chocolate at Barnes and Noble and go sit in a big comfy chair and read a magazine!!!

PS: I have changed comments to not needing approval.  As long as I can, I will let it be that way.  So go ahead and post un-encumbered.

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