Monday, December 9, 2013

Don't really love icy weather.. I don't like to drive in it, walk in it and well, I prefer either snow, or rain... But this is the time of year for it..

Today is another busy day at work.  Friday will be too.  I did manage to get a bit of cleaning done yesterday, but lots more to do.. Always more to do.

I was contacted by a local magazine yesterday, to interview me for an article on sheep, and sheepdogs.  Have to get some pictures of me working the dogs.  The lady had a lot of good questions, so I hope the article turns out good.. We shall see; I will share it with you when it's out.

There really isn't much news other than that.  Sheep are good, dogs/cat good, and I am fine:)


Natasha said...

I don't ill driving in slippery conditions, either. The gate looks good. I'm impressed!

Natasha said...

Like, not ill! I'm using my phone and didn't notice the autocorrect!

Dancing shepherdess said...

Thanks Natasha, it was already built, I just hung it.. Slowly but surely that barn room is looking like it is there for a purpose!