Friday, September 9, 2011

Now that I have identified that horrid weed, I have been working all week on eradicating it. I have been pulling it and have begun spraying it with 2,4,D, a growth hormone interrupter that makes a weed go crazy over growing and dies quickly, I hope. This weed is super tough and this particular herbicide is just not the greatest, but let's hope it works. I would like my sheep to go back to that field soon.

The sheep look good, and I worked Dan a little on pushing the sheep off the feeders, just for something for him to do. I need to start to teach him to shed, so I think this weekend I will do that.

Birds are good, all's quiet with mother out of the cage. Babies are about ready to move on to their new homes.

Well, that's it! Maybe I shall put some pics up one of these days!!!!


Kathy said...

If the weed is that tough you might have to mix your 2,4-D stronger than what the label suggests. I know that my hubby mixes it stronger than the label to use on thistle.

Dancing shepherdess said...

Thanks Kath- this 2.4.d is not to be diluted- but with the next jug of it I will see. The stronger the better! I am on a KILL mission!