Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fauna, not flora

This morning is not going as planned. Got a call from John last night that his truck is out of commission and we can't deliver the sheep.  Great.  Maybe the buyer can figure out how to get them, as I don't have a trailer.. I still had to get up early, as the guy picking up manure was coming.  I made some coffee and had some excellent (understatement) Irish Soda bread, and headed up with my full coffee travel mug full, to the farm. Just as I was feeding, the guy showed up.  Nice man.  I helped fork the manure in his truck, and when he was leaving, he said he would be back for another load. I told him to tell others, as I would like it to go... I have no way to spread it, and I am not a gardener; not a flora person, rather, a fauna one :)

I worked the dogs yesterday. It's so good to be back to doing that.  Joe was beat after our work.  Dan too. Sheep are fit and happy to be worked I think, well, I think!

I may clean my filthy car today... The dust... it's bad.  Have to get back in the swing of things.  Well, time to get moving again...

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