Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's been a very domestic week.  I have spent a lot of it cleaning my house.  Honestly? I think I need a maid.  I just love it when the house is clean.  I just don't love spending hours and hours getting it that way.  When I say clean, I don't mean a lick and a promise either.  I mean, scrub everything that has a surface- even taking fixtures apart.  Thankfully my teeny house affords me the plausibility of being that um, you know....

We got more rain yesterday.  This is all very good for the big field that has been getting a rest.  Tomorrow everyone gets wormed and the lambs vaccinated.  One ram lamb may be going to make more just like him, but not sure.  Only two have to leave before the fall; two intact ram lambs. I am keeping the wether until he hits a good size to be butchered, and he will go to my parents and sister as the lambs I procured for them last year were so tiny, I offered to replace at no cost.  The ewe lamb stays.

I am still not sure what to do about the ram.  He's being okay now with the dogs.  Plus, buying another ram lamb will NOT be cheap.  I am picky about what I want, and well, that comes at a $300+ price.  I am striving to produce a *good* old style Cheviot, which are rarer than hen's teeth.

Today is errand day, and work Dan day.  Oh, did I mention Dan got fat? Yes, he did.  I have cut back his food.  Don't know HOW that happened, other than finally, getting three cups a day kicked in, plus those excellent Blue Seal large biscuits which are 24% protein added some substance...

I am so happy.  Don't ask me why.  I have my bad moments, but in general, I really think I am living my life.  Things are not perfect, but hey, I always remember what my grandfather said, "What more can you ask for than three square meals a day, a roof over your head, and a little pleasure".

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