Monday, August 4, 2008


It's been a while since I wrote! No updates, I'm afraid on Lucy's and my training. We couldn't lesson this past weekend because of the rain. Lucy seemed fine. Lucy had a great day working on the golf course the other day. I wrote this else where, but thought, since this is the lass's blog, it should be here too:

Yesterday Kylie, Lucy and I headed out to the golf course to do some goose control. I hadn't planned to go, but as I drove by I saw many geese happily ripping out the grass on the course. So, I picked up the dogs, popped them into the golf cart, and headed out. We no sooner got about 100 yards, than we spyed about 30 geese all eating away. I sent the dogs. This sent them to one of the ponds down the fairway a bit. So, we got to the pond, and there sat the geese, perterbed about having been set aflight by these annoying dogs; they were honking, stretching and contracting their necks, and generally irritated- BUT they were not leaving. Lucy did her signature "outrun" to the other side of the pond, and without much thought, waded into the duckweed infested water. As soon as her feet were free of terre firma, she swam hard to get these geese first, together, and then, moved to one end of the large pond, so we could tighten them up and get them going.
Well, these fat lazy geese had other ideas. They just simply did not want to leave. Lucy would get them bottlenecked at one end, and they would simply take off do a 180 over her head and land at the other end of the pond. This happened multiple times. It was hot as hades out there, and Kylie was running along side/jumping in to help- she was so hot I had to lay her down. This contined for a long time. Then, one goose decided it was time to go. I thought- yeah, this will get the rest to go- but no. Another 15 mins in there. Then one more, and then 6. Now, remember, Lucy is not only swimming them to one side, she is also covering those that think of turning back. At one point, after oh, I don't know, maybe an hour??? Lucy had to come out to take a potty break. Good little girl- don't fowl the water ;) I thought, oh, that's it- she looked exhausted, and her legs very tired. Did she quit? HECK NO. She went back in and moved those geese again to one side, and
then one left, and then the last goose left. After that, Lucy shimmied over to the cart- just plain exhausted. But, I could see she was extremely happy, as I was, and I was darn proud of her too. There is no way to force a dog to do this- she has to do it all on her own, and never give up. Which she did. Yes, she's a damn good dog.

After that wonderful work, the weekend, I am afraid was quite boring for the dogs. I decided to spray the lawn with Weed Be Gone (tm) so the dogs just weren't allowed on it for the whole day. I know that it should be okay, once it has dried, but still... Lucy has a lesson scheduled for this Sat, let's hope the weather holds. Though, I think that if we keep playing frisbee, and do our goose control, she's still a happy camper :)

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