Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Pox on Social Media

 This post is coming from my laptop.  Future blog posts may come from my phone, so that I can share photos.

I am not sure when I got my first smart phone, but I think it may have been around 2014.   I was a member of Facebook before then, but it was well contained in a box of my life, because it was not so portable. Starting about 2014, I think... Facebook, became integral in my day.  I was checking it, sharing inane posts, reading updates from Facebook friends, and laughing at funny memes.  It was fun.  I think a lot of us probably remember those days.  Those were the days that hooked us.  All of us.  Hook. Line.  And Sinker.  Then the degradation started.  We saw less personal shares from people, more ads.  Then came the inflammatory posts- those posts meant to upset us and polarize us.  Then, came the fake profiles.  Basically, Facebook became barely tolerable to, I suspect many of us. Yet we still go back, because we are addicted.

Instagram is basically soft porn for men with private accounts.  

I am over social media.  Comment here if you are too. 

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