Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I was very efficient yesterday, even against my better judgement...  I moved more of the manure pile, and when I got home I took care of the piles of winter detritus that I had raked up over the weekend.  Felt good to get caught up a little at home.  Planning to hit the nursery soon to purchase a few shrubs to plant on the one side of my yard.  So many times I have considered moving.  But every time I think about it, first, the money aspect is way too daunting and second, well, this little house is perfect for me.  Cheap(er) to heat/cool and close to work.  Fenced in back yard for the dogs... So, I stay. 

It was VERY warm yesterday.  After our walk, Dan even went swimming in the pond.  He always does one circle.  He's just like his dad Glen that way.  Glen used to jump into the pond and swim out and swim back to cool off.  Dan may have seen him do that once or twice, but I think it's in his genes to do it.  Joe will not swim.  He's seen THINGS swimming in there, and he does NOT like that!

Had some storms roll through last night; thunder and lightening, therefore I did not sleep much.  Got some much needed rain, and I think we will have some on/off showers through until the weekend, which is great, we need the rain!

This weekend I have to pick up the last load of hay for the season.. Thank goodness.  Then, sweep up the barn and get it ready for the next one!

Today not sure what will happen.  I am sore as can be from pulling that lamb....

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