Monday, February 28, 2011

Yikes. Looking at the entry fees for sheepdog trials... I am really kind of in shock. It is making me wonder if I can really afford this sport. Granted, I don't trial a lot, but, and last year very seldom did I get out there, but I planned to run in a lot of trials this year, and I may have to reconsider.

One of the reasons I wanted to get another trial going near me, was that it would be relatively cheap to put on- no shipping of sheep is a big savings. Thankfully, it would appear that we may have some help from people in much higher standing than I, to decide if it is doable.

Simply put, paying almost $50 per run in open, per day is well, more than I will ever be able to afford. Perhaps we need less payback and make it more about the sport than the money. I don't know. We need more trials, and closer to home as well. Gas will, if all estimations are correct, be at or near $5.00 a gallon this summer. I don't know about you all, but I really don't want to be not eating to be able to travel to a trial.

Any suggestions on saving money are welcome.

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