Friday, February 6, 2009

Meet "Rab"

Well, I have a non-Kelpie. I suppose it was inevitable, but no, folks, I am not converted. I will ALWAYS have my Kelpies. Okay, that said...

He is a nicely coated little boy. His sire is none other than Lucy's first sheepdog trainer, Glen, owned by Warren Mick. Glen's trial record speaks for itself, and in addition to not being shabby on the trial field, he is one very nice dog. He is friendly, and always keen to do your bidding. Rab's mom is an imported bitch named Dibs. She is quite a pip for a small girl, and comes from very nice bloodlines.

It is my hope that this pup can teach me, and I can teach him. He has big tracks to fill, because we know how highly I think of my Lucy. Right now, the agenda is house breaking. He seems to be getting it. Lucy absolutely adores him. Kylie is busy policing his actions. The kitten actually is starting to initiate play. I am a bit EXHAUSTED. One thing, this will probably be my last pup. And, I will NEVER breed a litter. It just ain't happening. Too much WORK! This is why I don't have kids. Crates keep you sane...

Anyway, there you have it. I hope that we have many wonderful times to come. And, remember, you can thank Glen for this. If he wasn't such a nice dog....


BCxFour said...

omg! He is adorable. Rab... he is almost as cute as Cmdr Harmon Rab from JAG. (that man makes me drool)

How old is he?? Hang in there with the housebreaking. As you well know, you arent training the puppy, rather training yourself to remember to take him out every 30 minutes. *ugh* Your best friend is an egg timer in that regard.

This is going to be so much fun wathing him grow up on your blog!

Dancing shepherdess said...

That's how I came up with the name :) We are very alike in our thinking!
He has been good- it's just me, I am tired and lazy in this weather and I have gotten soft- in more ways that one.
Oh, he's 7 weeks :)

Unknown said...

HA, HA, Border Collies are like trying to eat one ain't gonna happen.....we started off with one Border Collie over 15 yrs ago and now LOOK!!!!

Darci said...

WTH Girlfried! I take a week off from reading blogs and in my absence you have crossed over to the dark side! Congrats on the new addition! How wonderful for you, and everyone getting along so well, thats great too! Man I reckon that'll teach me to give my eyes a break from reading for quite some time to come, well, cant take a break now, I'll be busy looking at puppy pics and watching Rab grow! LOL Wow! You got a new BC puppy! How cool is that! Im just doing a hapy dance for ya!